Pod of Greed (A Yu-Gi-Oh! Podcast)
Let's Rev it Up!
3 years ago

Walden Academy: The Fountainhedge 9 – The Virgin Narutoshi Borutoshi vs the Chad Yuuriko Yonekawa

time 2 riot

Episode 9 of Walden Academy is finally here folks! Yuuriko Yonekawa, on a crusade to find the TRUTH behind this school, grills Narutoshi Borutoshi for information.

Afterwards, Masahito has a.... realization.

Oddity High the game

Masahito | Yonekawa | Atsuko | Nagisa | Hiroki | Lead Writer

Unedited versions of the rest of the episodes are available right now on Patreon! - dont worry they will be available for free later on

A Noise Space Podcast